10 Simple Steps to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is something millions of people experience daily, and it can be brought on by everything from poor posture to heavy lifting to the ordinary stress of everyday life. Fortunately, there are numerous easy ways to help someone overcome back pain and increase comfort levels.

10 Simple Steps to Relieve Back Pain
10 Simple Steps to Relieve Back Pain

Back pain is something millions of people experience daily, and it can be brought on by everything from poor posture to heavy lifting to the ordinary stress of everyday life. Fortunately, there are numerous easy ways to help someone overcome back pain and increase comfort levels.

Here are ten effective ways to relieve back pain:

1. Maintain Good Posture

It involves avoiding and relieving back pain by maintaining good posture. Sit and stand straight, shoulders back. If you need to work on the desk for extensive hours, utilize ergonomic chairs and a proper desk setup that will help support the spine.

2. See a Healthcare Professional

If the back pain were severe and/or chronic, it would be in one's best interest to seek further evaluation by a healthcare professional. They will find exactly what is causing the pain and go through proper treatment options with you. Sometimes, medications can be prescribed, which can temporarily help reduce the pain, such as Hydrocodone 10-325mg. However, using them as directed is usually the best option for other pain management techniques for temporary relief.

3. Practice Stretching

Stretching relieves tension and loosens the muscles in the back, making it more flexible. Gentle exercises, including a cat-cow stretch or hamstring stretches, may reduce stiffness to eventually help relax. Continue the stretching exercises daily or as and when needed to keep softness in the muscles.

4. Proper Lifting Techniques

When you lift things, use your legs instead of your back. Keep your back straight, bend at the knees, and avoid twisting your torso while lifting a thing. If it seems to you that you can't lift something, ask for someone's help instead of damaging your back.

5. Apply Heat or Cold Therapy

Heat and cold therapy relieve back pains to a great degree. Apply a cold pack to reduce inflammation, thereby numbing the area, or use a heating pad to relax your tight muscles and increase blood flow. First, try one then switch to the other if needed.

6. Stay Hydrated

It does this by keeping the discs in your spine healthy and alleviating back pain. Drink at least plenty of water daily to keep the discs hydrated, and it should also help with overall spinal health.

7. Adjust Your Sleep Position

How you sleep can help alleviate, or contribute to your back pain. Sleeping on your side, a pillow placed between the knees will help to keep the spine aligned. You may also place a pillow under your knees while sleeping on your back.

8. Wear Supportive Footwear

Supportive shoes alleviate the pressure on your back through alignment and cushioning. High heels are best to avoid; instead, wear shoes with great arch support and stability.

9. Go to a Physical Therapist

If your back pain, or lower back, persists to bother you, then it may be a good time to visit a physical therapist. He or she will create an exercise and treatment program custom-made for you. Because physical therapy is often tailored to address problems that exist, strengthen muscles, and increase flexibility, the relief often provided is long-term.

10. Include Regular Exercise

Regular exercises strengthen your back muscles, which in turn contribute to gaining flexibility and thereby reducing pain. The best exercises are those types of activities that go easy on the back and deliver essential benefits. These include walking, swimming, and low-impact aerobics. Add in core exercises because a robust core supports the spine.


Relieving back pain often involves lifestyle modifications and also directed therapies. Many discomforts can be alleviated with good posture, regular exercise, proper lifting, and sleeping techniques. Other comfort-recommended therapies include heat and cold application, hydration, and also avoidance of non-supportive shoes. These all provide comfort to the back. If necessary, a doctor should be consulted for further treatment options including medications. Remember, proactive treatment of back pain is the pathway to a more comfortable, active life.