The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap leads the delegation to the 42nd Meeting of Council Ministers in Arusha. Resolutions to boost regional investments.

The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap leads the delegation to the 42nd Meeting of Council Ministers in Arusha. Resolutions to boost regional investments.
The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap signing off the report and recommendations of Permanent Secretaries

The 42nd Meeting of the Sectoral Council of Ministers on Trade, Industry, Finance and Investment (SCTIFI) took place at the EAC Headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania, started with the Session of Senior Officials on Monday, 29th May and ended on Wednesday, 31st May, 2023. The Coordination Committee or the Session of Permanent/Principal/Under Secretaries was held on Friday, 2nd June 2023 while the Cabinet Secretaries/Ministers’ session was held on Saturday, 3rd June, 2023.

Among the items on the agenda of the SCTIFI were the considerations of the: Report on The Pre-budget Consultations; the Report of the Committee on Customs; the Report on Trade Matters, and; Report of the Sectoral Committee on Investment; Report on Competition Matters. 

Deputy Secretary to the Treasury Patrick Ocailap 3rd left during the regional meeting

The Uganda delegation was headed by the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury Patrick Ocailap representing Finance Minister and the PSST.

On 2nd June 2023, The Deputy Secretary to the Treasury, Patrick Ocailap who is leading Uganda's delegation signed off the report and recommendations of Permanent Secretaries for consideration by the Hon. Ministers.

THE East African Community (EAC) member states according to the Minister for Investment, Industry and Trade Dr Ashatu Kijaji agreed to charge 10 US dollars per 100 kilometers as a road toll for cargo trucks to strengthen the provision of customs services at the borders.

He said the rate is for vehicles from one country to another within the community instead of each country having its own toll rates.

“We have agreed to charge 10 US dollars per 100 kilometers as roads user charges for cargo trucks to the member countries instead of each country charging its charges as well as strengthening the provision of customs services at the border of Kenya and Tanzania which will reduce congestion of trucks and stimulate business growth,” he said

He added that “The meeting has approved a policy document for the EAC to hold discussions with other regional areas and other countries and the terms of reference for the preparation of the EAC Private Sector Development Policy as well as the terms of reference for the preparation of the Competition Authorities Strategy for the period of 2024 – 2029,”

In addition, the sectoral council agreed to abolish the cost of visas for their citizens who want to travel from one country to another (within EAC) for various activities including business to promote relations among the residents of the community as well as stimulate the growth of business and the economy of the respective country.

The meeting that brought together the EAC member countries including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan and DR – Congo, was held in accordance with the EAC meeting calendar and was chaired by Burundi’s Trade and Industry Minister, Marie Nijimbere.