How Ritah Dancehall’s career took off after meeting Sheebah Karungi

Ritah Dancehall's career took a turn when she met Sheebah Karungi, who expressed her admiration for Ritah's energy and talent and offered her a job, leading to Ritah achieving many of her goals. The post How Ritah Dancehall’s career took off after meeting Sheebah Karungi appeared first on MBU.

How Ritah Dancehall’s career took off after meeting Sheebah Karungi

Ritah Dancehall’s career took a great turn when she met Sheebah Karungi, a meeting that Ritah describes as a life-changing moment. But how did it all start?

She (Sheebah) appreciated me for my performance and said she likes girls with energy – the crazy ones.Ritah Dancehall

Well, it all started during one of her regular performances at H2O Bar in Kololo, where the Siesta Night was hosted by Muchahos’ Bijou Fortunate.

In 2021/2022, Ritah was doing what she always did—performing with passion and energy, unaware that Sheebah was among the audience.

While on stage, performing one of her songs, Sheebah surprisingly joined her on stage and started giving her money. This unexpected gesture stunned Ritah.

After her performance, Sheebah’s team approached Ritah and told her that Sheebah wanted to meet her.

During their conversation, Sheebah expressed her admiration for Ritah’s energy and talent.

She appreciated me for my performance and said she likes girls with energy, the crazy ones, and entertainers.

Sheebah gave Ritah her number and told her to call the next day. That conversation marked the beginning of their professional relationship, as Ritah started working for Sheebah immediately.

Since then, Ritah has achieved many of her goals, ones she had shared with Sheebah early on.

She credits Sheebah for being a person of her word, as much of what they discussed has come to fruition.

The post How Ritah Dancehall’s career took off after meeting Sheebah Karungi appeared first on MBU.