Cindy Sanyu predicts Sheebah Karungi’s motherhood will transform her perspectives on life

Cindy Sanyu believes that if Sheebah Karungi is indeed pregnant, motherhood will humble her and transform her perspectives on life. The post Cindy Sanyu predicts Sheebah Karungi’s motherhood will transform her perspectives on life appeared first on MBU.

Cindy Sanyu predicts Sheebah Karungi’s motherhood will transform her perspectives on life

Cindy Sanyu says, if Sheebah Karungi is indeed pregnant, motherhood will humble her and transform her perspectives on life.

Motherhood is going to make her wiser.Cindy Sanyu commenting about Sheebah’s alleged pregnancy

Although Sheebah has not yet confirmed the pregnancy rumors, the streets are buzzing with speculation ever since photos and videos of her bulging tummy appeared several times.

Cindy, however, didn’t shy away from discussing the possible impact that becoming a mother could have on Sheebah Karungi.

Cindy explained that female artists, especially when they reach the peak of their careers, often convey a misleading message.

Cindy believes that some forget the nurturing role that women are meant to fulfill and fall into the belief that they can thrive without coexisting with men.

She added that Sheebah’s experience with motherhood could reshape her worldview, making her more understanding and tolerant.

Honestly, I’m so happy for her and I want to congratulate her on this milestone. It’s going to shape a lot of her perceptions about the world.

You know, as women, when we are at the top of our music careers, we usually spread a message that is not okay.

We forget that as women, we were created to nurture. Motherhood is going to make her wiser.

The post Cindy Sanyu predicts Sheebah Karungi’s motherhood will transform her perspectives on life appeared first on MBU.